Thursday, February 24, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Whoa! Almost let this blog die...
I have a few things I'd like to catch up on and discuss.

CS Alumni Symposium
First I'll talk about the computer science department's alumni symposium. Our department put on this symposium for current students and in my eyes it was a huge success. Previous graduates came to offer their advice about graduating and getting jobs. I thought all of this advice was very useful. Seeing these graduates and how successful most of them are is a very big eye opener. It reminded me that I am involved in a career field that is constantly in need of new people. It's good to know that finding a job after school will be easier than most. I also got to talk to Jason Youmans of Bibliolabs who gave some good ideas about internships. I think that the main message that i took away from the symposium was that I need to get extracurricular with my computer science and get involved in something I'm passionate about. Overall I thought it was a successful meeting.

Team Project and Bug Fix
Fixing our bug has pretty much been a flop so far. Most of us have had other school work to deal with the past week or so. It has been slow moving. I did make a minor amount of progress the past few days.

I am starting to try and learn Spring MVC which deals with the form submission in OpenMRS. If I can figure out how the form submission redirects when there is an input error I can just use that same technique when the "preferred patient" is not selected. This should be easy to do within the next week. Hope to have a solution very, very soon.

After we get done working out this bug I hope to work on a bigger issue with OpenMRS and make some major contributions with our group for the semester.

TOSS Chapter 7 Exercises

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