Thursday, March 17, 2011


A part of the curriculum of CSCI 462 involves attending POSSCON 2011. POSSCON will have many speakers and many different workshops and I hope to attend to attend as many as possible.

Here are a few people I would like to talk to:

  1. Jim Jagielski - I think it would be interesting to talk to Jim Jagielski. Jagielski is the current president of the Apache Software Foundation. I think it would be intriguing to talk to Jagielski about future apache projects and which projects he thinks are the most important. Apache has a large amount of software and i think that all of them are very important to the Computer Science world and specifically software engineering.
  2. Dr. Sam Bowen - I would like to talk to Bowen because of my interest in Open EMR's. This whole semester i have been working on OpenMRS which is another open source EMR. I would like to see his take on the subject and maybe ask him some questions regarding the differences between OpenMRS and OpenMRS.
  3. David Duggins - I would like to meet Duggins and ask him about startups and his take on using open source to create new businesses. I would like to ask him bout the primary advantages and how much of an actual advantage open source would be. I would also like to see some real world examples of businesses that have started using open source software.
Overall I am very excited to get to POSSCON and get to meet  some of the important figures in the open source world.

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