Thursday, January 27, 2011

Subversion & Me...

For the last week or so I've been reading the Subversion Book that was given to us as a resource in our CSCI 462 class. The book was a great intro into Subversion and I learned a lot just skimming the readings. As a result of reading the Subversion Book i ran into some terminology i have heard before, but never really understood. I took it upon myself to do some research and actually learned quite a bit. A good example of an item i was not familiar with was the idea of an "apache" server. I took some time to look up what this was all about and educated myself on the Apache HTTP server open source project and what it was used for. I have a feeling ill be running into this open source project in the future.

Quickly after skimming through some of the important areas of the Subversion Book I decided to explore some of the commands and play around with Subversion on my machine. I chose not to install a subversion client and just run my subversion commands through the Ubuntu terminal. In my opinion this is much faster and much more clean than having to deal with a SVN Client that might have a GUI. Not to mention I'm starting to like familiarizing myself with terminal commands in Ubuntu. The "Cirdles Playground" provided to us proved to be very useful for this. I played around with some basic commands such as "update", "commit", and "checkout". All of these commands seemed to work without a hitch.

I feel like Subversion is a very efficient system for collaboration. I'm excited to get to work with and develop my skills with it. I think knowing how to use Subversion will be a very important skill to have in the future with a career in the computer science field. 

Heres a little screen shot of my work for all who are interested:
Subversion Work Screenshot

P.S. On our "Cirdles Playground" someone decided to upload some Chuck Norris Facts...I'll leave you with a running list of some Here.

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